Mobilizing Canadians

to reach Canadians

Join city-wide evangelistic outreach days happening across the nation led by passionate leaders.

We have a God-sized vision to reach 100,000+ Canadians with a face-to-face Gospel interaction in 2025.

Join the mission to be one of 200+ churches, teams or leaders who will share the Gospel in 2025.

Can 100,000+ Canadians hear about Jesus in 2025?

We believe they can!

How Will This Work?

By equipping and sending believers and churches across Canada, we can bring face-to-face Gospel interaction (sharing the need of repentance, baptism, and faith in Jesus) to thousands of people who have never heard or responded to Jesus before.

Become one of the 200+ churches, teams or individuals that will each bring the Gospel to 500+ people in 2025. Together, we will be a part of one of the largest evangelistic outreaches Canada has ever experienced!

Between June and November 2025, leaders across Canada will host evangelistic blitz days where you can gather and be sent to share Jesus in every major city in Canada. These leaders and blitz days will throw fuel on your desire to bring the Gospel to others.

We have developed an app to track the sharing of the Gospel, celebrate the obedience of every believer, and display what God is doing in Canada. This app will serve this missional army with evangelistic and discipleship resources to ensure good followup for those repsonding to the Gospel!

This vision is partnered with ministries and leaders across Canada and will conclude with an evangelistic conference in Ontario in November 2025.

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